Hot Arts & Crafts How-Tos

How To: Make a book out of recycled material

Make your own book out of recycled material. You can use thick cardboard pieces for each page. Find some strong tape to make an outer binding. Tape each page of the book down with masking tape. You can then reenforce it by glueing down strips of brown paper bag. Decorate your book with other recycled items such as stickers, photographs, and plastic bags.

How To: Origami a lily or iris flower

Watch this instructional origami video to fold a traditional origami lily or iris flower. This is a simple origami project but it may help to look at an instruction booklet in addition to following the visual guidelines. Fold several of these origami flowers and add wooden stems to make a bouquet of irises.

How To: Origami a scorpion

This video series demonstrates how to fold the origami model "Scorpion" that Robert J. Lang designed. Robert kindly gave me permission to make this video accessible to you. It is a complex design, so only experienced folders should attempt it.

How To: Wrap a Stone - Easy Tutorial

This tutorial shows how to wrap a Stone easily (Make Cabochon using Macrame knots). With this style you can make your own amulets, pendants or necklaces, also you can wrap a coins or anything else. It's easy to make and suitable for kids and beginners. I hope you will find this helpful!

PhD in Paper Craft: Make This Insanely Detailed & Anatomically Correct Human Torso—Complete with Removable Organs

If you're studying human anatomy (or have ever visited a doctor's office), you're no doubt familiar with those plastic anatomical models with removable pieces meant to teach the different parts of the body. Before those, there were illustrated pop-up books. If you need to know the difference between the latissimus dorsi and the multifidus, you're probably better off sticking with your textbook diagrams. But if you prefer a more artful approach (and have a lot of time one your hands), this pap...

How To: Make a folded-paper cat with origami

Looking to add specimens to your paper menagerie? Make a folded-paper feline (neko) with origami, the traditional Japanese art of paper folding. This free origami video lesson presents complete instructions for making your own cats from a sheet of folded paper. For more information, and to get started making your own paper kittens, take a look!

How To: Decrease on a Circular Needle

Decreasing on a Circular Needle is as simple as decreasing on a straight needle. You can still do it both ways. Either K 2 tog or K, slip, psso. You will need to know how to decrease on a circular needle when you make hats or purses. If t don't know how, see the bottom of the page for instructions.

How To: Take Your Measurements

These measurments should be taken and recorded before drawing up you clothing design pattern. Wear the bra and panties you will be wearing with the final garment. Another option, especially if you are going to be selling a series of the garments, is to follow a size chart. While sizing is not very standardized in the clothing industry, I like the charts on the Burdastyle website which are in both inches and centimeters. When measuring, the tape measure should be neither too tight nor too loos...

How To: Quilt as you go

This quilt as you go method is really becoming popular and this video shows how you can get in on the action. It's a simple method and you'll see your craft coming together quickly before your eyes. You'll need some backing, many pieces of fabric - widths can be different, but they'll need to be the same length. Check out the quilt as you go method and show off your new found skill! Quilts are a lovely craft and make for an even better gift!

How To: Make an Origami Lotus Flower Out of Dollar Bills

Looking to add specimens to your paper garden? Make a paper lotus flower from dollar bills using origami, the traditional Japanese art of paper folding. This free origami video lesson presents complete instructions for making your own dollar-bill lotus flowers from folded paper. Now, let's get our monigami on!

How To: Knit a Spiral Ruffle Scarf

These lovely scarves have different names. I call it the Spiral Ruffle Scarf. It's easy to make and looks great in either a fine or a medium weight yarn. I made mine with softball cotton yarn and size 8 needles. Here are the videos and written directions:

How To: Make an origami crab for intermediate students

Summer is quickly coming to an end (oh no!), so bask in your last few glory days of sleeping in and playing all day by, well, sleeping in and playing all day. But you should also consider making this adorable sea crab, a sort of testament, if you will, to the summer months spent out by the sea.